Rev. Cameron MacMillan

Cameron and Hannah escaped Midwest winters 6 years ago when they moved to Orlando for sunnier skies and church ministry. Father Cameron attended Nashotah House Theological Seminary (‘16) and has a passion for teaching, evangelism, Colombian coffee, and West African hand drums. Hannah’s gifts are hospitality, singing, baking homemade bread, and squeezing in crossword puzzles between her adventures with three young children. Cameron and Hannah have a heart for reaching the City Beautiful and her diverse and growing population with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Cameron serves as the lead pastor of Adoration Church and along with his family, is excited to be part of planting a church that seeks to adore Jesus and help others do the same.


Nick Audas

Nick and Sofia Audas have served on staff with Cru for nearly a decade, from Florida to New York City and back. They are intentional about living so that the lost are reached, and lovers of Jesus are formed.

They are applying their passion and commitment to missionary disciple-making to planting Adoration Church here in Orlando, FL. Nick is serving as the lay pastor at Adoration Church and pursuing ordination. To find out more about their ministry, get in touch or follow this link to become a partner.
