What We believe

What is Anglicanism?

Adoration is a part of the Anglican Church: a global body of Protestant Christians whose expression of worship differs widely but centers on the Lord’s Supper.

Anglicanism is often known as “the middle way”, because we seek to embrace both historic Christian tradition, and the rich theological heritage from the Protestant Reformation.

Adoration Church is part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). But as 3rd largest group of Christians in the world, Anglicans can be found in 39 provinces across 6 continents.

Anglican churches may look and sound a bit different depending on where in the world they are, but we are interconnected in our leadership and liturgy through the Book of Common Prayer.

  • Scripture

    Emphasizing the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, and the ministry of preaching and teaching in the life of God’s family.

  • Spirit

    Emphasizing the active work of the Holy Spirit and of the importance of the spiritual gifts in our lives, personally and communally.


    Emphasizing the experience of God through the “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace” given to us by Jesus and passed on by the early church - The Lord’s Supper and Baptism.


We hold to the “faith once delivered” as expressed through the historic creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, etc.). For a helpful summary of our beliefs, check out the Jerusalem Declaration

A full statement of beliefs and further resources are linked below.